Sunday, March 14, 2010

Becuase I Don't Have Time....

to write the long elaborate posts that are brewing in my mind, I've decided to add an "Only in New York" feature. Briefly, it's a recap of all the ridiculous things I hear and see on a daily basis while minding my own business. Maybe someday I can turn all of these sights into a book that will make me rich and famous, but for now they will be published purely for your reading pleasure.

Only in New York
While waiting for the train at 168th street at 9pm a woman is screaming at the top of her lungs that all cops should "suck her b@lls." (Didn't make sense to me either!) Then she gets up in some man's face and yells some more, except she acts the expletive "f*ck*ng". Turns out this man was an undercover cop, because he whipped out his badge and handcuffs. Arrested her and then chained her to the stairs while he waited for backup. During this whole time, the woman continues to scream, but starts demanding her second amendment rights (really, lady???) and is clanging the cuffs against the stairs. When the cops arrived, she got carried up the stairs by three officers because there was no elevator and she refused to walk. I could hear her yelling even as the train pulled in........

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